What is a chlorine free pool or a fresh water pool and how it works?
Chlorine Free pools should be exactly that! Chlorine Free - No chlorine added and No chlorine produced.
SwimFresh does not produce any chlorine and no chlorine is added to the pool.
There is some confusion in the market today on claims for “Fresh water pools” Some claim to be Fresh water pool systems but actually produce some chlorine via a small salt-water chlorinator in conjunction with an ioniser.
The Options of adding an Ozone Generator or an Ioniser to Chlorine pools, may allow a reduction in the chlorine levels and makes the water feel fresher, it seems to provide a fresh water concept, however it still has chlorine in the water, and when a pool blanket is left on the pool the chlorine concentration levels increase dramatically. This chlorine then deteriorates blankets and fades pool walls etc.
SwimFresh is a truly Chlorine Free system
No chorine added and no chlorine is produced by the system.
There are three substances that are being automatically produced by the SwimFresh System.
Ozone is the main sanitiser
Colloidal Silver is a bactericide
Colloidal Copper is the algaecide.
Throughout most of the year the pool does not require any added chemicals to sanitise the water (except the usual Ph and Alkaline balancing chemicals) resulting in a truly economical system, saving money each and every year.
However during the peak summer season with high temperatures and heavy pool use, there is an increase of fats and oils, sweat and suntan lotions that need to be oxidised out of the water.
Ozone Accelerator and Ozone Activator, which are Chlorine free Oxygen based chemicals, are used occasionally or regularly to oxidise the water to assist removing these unwanted wastes .
The small amounts of the Oxygen based chemicals used in the SwimFresh pool amount to approx $100 -$300 a year depending on pool size. That annual cost is less than half compared to a chlorine pool.
If the pool blanket is left on there is no deterioration on the pool blanket and no fading affect on the pool walls, because the water is fresh with oxygen - absolutely no chlorine.
Pool and Spa heating and high temperatures will not affect the sanitation of the SwimFresh System. The water remains crystal clear and safe enough that even if children drink the water it will not harm them but actually provide oxygen to their bodies.
What is the Difference between Ozone Generator Systems?
Ozone created by Corona Discharge Verses Ozone created by Ultra violet Lamp.
Corona discharge ozone system is dielectric. The electrical charge is diffused over the dielectric surface, creating an electrical field, or “corona”. The technologies involved in corona discharge ozone generation are varied, but all operate fundamentally by passing dried, oxygen-containing gas through an electrical field. The electrical current causes the “split” in the oxygen molecules. Critical to CD ozone systems is proper air preparation. The gas feeding the ozone generator must be very dry, because the presence of moisture affects ozone production and leads to the formation of nitric acid. Nitric acid is very corrosive to critical internal parts of a CD ozone generator, which can cause premature failure and will significantly increase the frequency of maintenance. Also Nitric acid is a by-product that passes into the water. Which is what we don’t want in the pool, as it can cause metal fittings such as stainless steels ladders to turn black.
However Ozone created by ultra violet light produces pure ozone with no nitric acid as a by- product, thus is a preferred option in pool and spa applications. Pool pump areas are very humid and the air feeding into a corona discharge ozone generator will definitely be humid and therefore will create nitric acid as a byproduct. The Corona discharge can only be safely used if there is a dehumidifier to dry the air before it is feed into the Ozone Generator. This is very expensive equipment and is used mainly in industrial or medical applications.
However alternatively and far easier Ozone produced by Ultra violet light does not require air to be dried and produces NO by-products at all. Oxygen is passed by an ultra violet lamp, which converts the oxygen O2 to Ozone O3 in its pure form, it is injected into the pool or spa water . The Ozone is visible to the eye as it comes out of the pools jets as millions of micro bubbles. The water is saturated & alive with oxygen.
Industrially ozone or ozonated water is used around the world to:
• Disinfect laundry in hospitals, food factories, care homes etc
• Disinfect water before it is bottled
• Deodorize air and objects, such as after a fire. This process is extensively used in Fabric Restoration
• Kill bacteria on food or on contact surfaces
• Ozone swimming pool and spa sanitation
• Scrub yeast and mold spores from the air in food processing plants
• Wash fresh fruits and vegetables to kill yeast, mold and bacteria
• Chemically attack contaminants in water (iron, arsenic, hydrogen sulfide, nitrites, and complex organics lumped corona discharge together as "colour")
• Provide an aid to flocculation (agglomeration of molecules, which aids in filtration, where the iron and arsenic are removed)
• Manufacture chemical compounds via chemical synthesis
• Clean and bleach fabrics
• Assist in processing plastics to allow adhesion of inks
• Age rubber samples to determine the useful life of a batch of rubber
• Hospital operating rooms where air needs to be sterile
• Eradicate water borne parasites such as Giardia and Cryptosporidium in surface water treatment plants and in commercial swimming pools
Many hospitals in the U.S. and around the world use large ozone generators to decontaminate operating rooms between surgeries. The rooms are cleaned and then sealed airtight before being filled with ozone, which effectively kills or neutralizes all remaining bacteria.
Ozone is used as an alternative to chlorine or chlorine dioxide in the bleaching of wood pulp. It is often used in conjunction with oxygen and hydrogen peroxide to completely eliminate the need for chlorine-containing compounds in the manufacture of high-quality, white paper.
Ozone can be used to detoxify cyanide wastes (for example from gold and silver mining) by oxidizing cyanide to cyanate and eventually to carbon dioxide.
For more information https://www.healingwatersupplies.com.au/